Negative Financial Beliefs
In light of the economic challenges people in countries all around the world have been going through last year, twelve months later one could easily argue that the situation has deteriorated even further.
In the past three years certain industries definitely bore the brunt of the economic impact of the pandemic, namely travel, tourism and hospitality. Now however, because of the G20 countries’ economic strategy of simply printing astronomical amounts of money to provide a stimulus to their economies, inflation is surging.
Today, people all around the world are struggling, worried and fearful as they deal with massive increases in the cost of utilities such as gas and electricity and food shortages. The latter due to years of short-term agricultural policies.
How to Be Open to Abundance with ABFE
Thank heavens for the Abund Essence! There has never been a more important time for this essence than now. This powerful remedy is made up of eight Australian Bush Flower Essences and will help those who are negative, pessimistic and feel they never have enough. With the Abund Essence, they will feel joy in sharing, feel content in their belongings and environment, and help with sabotaging spending habits to encourage a more rich, fruitful life.
One of the key Bush Essences in Abund Essence is the Australian Bluebell which grows in the arid, dry desert regions of the country and is much smaller and of a different genus than the Bluebell found in the UK and other parts of the Northern Hemisphere. As well as helping open your heart it also aids in getting in touch with your feelings which is very helpful if you are missing a five in your birthdate. Bluebell allows for joyful sharing and generosity, which is why it is a key remedy in the Abund Essence.
‘I was introduced to the Abund Essence by a very good friend who assured me that it will work since I was/am going through a challenging divorce and a financial struggle. I have to confess that I was quite sceptical about it but felt it can’t do any harm.
‘Well these drops are UNBELIEVABLY AMAZING! My mortgage went ahead, my financial situation is getting better and income is coming from unexpected sources. I even found a £50 note with no people around!
I highly recommend this product! In all aspects, it will bring you the best results and outcomes you can ask for.’ - Testimonial by Vardit Lahav
Products from Australian Bush Flower Essences to help release negative beliefs & be open to receive abundance:
Abund Essence: Aids in releasing negative beliefs, family patterns, sabotage, and poverty consciousness. In so doing, it allows you to be open to fully receive great riches on all levels, not just financial.
The Abund Essence helps you to manifest what you desire, but it will work so much better if you are focusing on what you really desire from a place of excitement, rather than coming from a sense of lack of the thing you desire. What you focus on you create, if you focus on your lack, you'll stay in that state of lack. The Abund Essence can help you shift that mindset of coming from lack.
Sunshine Wattle, one of the essences in Abund, offers hope and optimism for people who find themselves labouring, without much light at the end of the tunnel. They haven't given up and are stoically soldiering on, but see things as being grim and difficult. Apart from the emotional trauma and huge financial loss people experience going through a divorce or separation, there are also associated higher rates of crime, suicide, depression and long-term poverty. Sunshine wattle can help here.
Bluebell Essence: Bluebell is made in the Central Desert, one of the main spiritual centres in Australia. This Essence helps to open the heart: it is for those who feel cut off from their feelings and where emotion is held within. They are subconsciously afraid to express it for they fear their feelings of love, joy, etc. are finite or not renewable.
They operate from a subconscious fear that there is not enough and that if they let go of what they have, they will not survive. This fear can often be marked by a controlling, rigid and forthright manner.
Christmas Bell: It helps one to manifest their desired outcomes and is beneficial for anyone experiencing a sense of lack. Christmas Bell, operating at a deep spiritual level, helps one to also realise that the most important things in life are not physical and therefore one should avoid consuming time and energy in pursuit of these worldly things.
We are spiritual beings and by mastering the physical we can more readily focus on and achieve our life’s purpose and create loving relationships.
Pink Flannel Flower: This flower is all about heart energy, evident in the intensity of its pink centre. It allows one to be in a state of gratitude for all aspects of one's life and for what one is experiencing around them. Pink Flannel Flower brings about an appreciation of, and helps one take delight and pleasure in, the details and little things in life; to see and be aware of the blessings in every moment. Otherwise life can easily become dull, flat and one’s ‘joie de vivre’ will be lost.
Much love, light and respect,