It is easy to feel consumed by mental and emotional pressures. There are times in everybody’s lives where we can feel it is hard to switch off, because the mind is constantly active, and this can make us feel drained and overwhelmed.
It’s okay to admit you struggle, but it is essential to off-load your stress and taking actions to better your emotional wellbeing.
Here at Australian Bush Flower Essences, we aim to help you to connect with your inner self, ultimately improving both your emotional and mental state. We target your health needs with natural remedies combined with our bush flower essences. Uncover the transformative power of nature.
Finding Time for Yourself is Crucial
To cut down on stress levels and ensure you have more quality “me time”, it is key to simplify your daily routine across – work-family – lifestyle - current situation and things you can't resolve. Multi-tasking can also overload your brain, leading to impatience, irritability, overwhelm, forgetfulness and a weaker immune system.
Natural remedies which will do wonders to your emotional wellbeing:
Paw Paw is THE essence for addressing overwhelm and is in both the Calm & Clear Essence and Cognis Essence combinations for this very reason.
Paw Paw has incredible properties that can help you overcome these overwhelming negative emotions, and allow you to access your Higher Self, so that you may assimilate new ideas with calmness and clarity. Calm & Clear helps you wind down and better manage your responsibilities with your life and relationships. Cognis help those whose minds wander during times of stress and those who feel confused or overwhelmed.
If you like to meditate, Meditation Essence can be a great essence for you. This natural remedy helps you awake your spirituality through meditation, access your Higher Self and inner guidance that will provide you with greater intuition.

How to Manage your Time in a Concise and Clear Manner
Prioritizing time to do the things for yourself will make you happier, and probably also more efficient at tackling the less fun aspects of your schedule.
Some of the best ways to achieve results and avoid affecting your emotional wellbeing are:
- Step back and write down your goals. When you have a list of ranked things that need to be done, it becomes clear where to start mapping your action.
- Free your time. Take a look at your list and ask yourself if you can delegate and guarantee the same results; if you are over-committing without adding noticeable value; or if you can re-schedule the schedule.
These flower essences might help you:
Black-eyed Susan – If you are someone who is impatient and over-committed, this Bush Essence enables the ability to slow down and find stillness and calm.
Calm & Clear Essence Cream – For those whose stress is causing you to feel tension or unable to switch off at night due to mind chatter. Apply to your face each evening for sleep alongside your Calm & Clear drops.
Dynamis Essence – If you have reached a point of feeling drained, disheartened or just not quite right. This essence helps to renew your passion and enthusiasm for life, centring and harmonising your vital energy force.
Kapok Bush - willingness and a go-getting attitude can get you far in life. Kapok Bush flower remedy can help improve your perception and persistence to follow through on your goals and to try new things.
Abund Essence will help those who are negative, pessimistic, and who fear they never have enough.
Testimonial – PAW PAW, the essence for addressing overwhelm:

Numerous attempts to catch up and get on top of things only took me a short way up the mountain I felt I had to climb. I felt that I was in a continual ‘fire-fighting’.I have spent the last few years doing courses involving considerable travel, study and practice – fitting it around my business, clients and other areas of my life and not allowing enough time to fully integrate my new knowledge and skills.
I started to take Paw Paw. I had already decided that the only way out of this cycle was to take some time out and had a long list of things I planned to catch up on in this time. However, it felt like something was holding me back – I just couldn’t get motivated.
On reflection, I think that Paw Paw was helping me to take a big step back, enabling me to look at the bigger picture. During this time I started to feel more connected to my Higher Self as ideas just kept popping in my head on how better to manage my time and my priorities." Barbara Porter