How to Break Your Bad Habits
How to Break Your Bad Habits
When we think about planning our new year’s resolutions, most of us will direct our attention to breaking bad habits. These usually fall into three main categories – sugar, alcohol, and smoking. Those looking to kick-start their health will always focus on things that are stopping them from reaching a healthy body and mind. It can be challenging to break a habit that becomes part of your daily routine. We have utilised our knowledge to help you start the new year transforming bad habits into good ones.
Changing your Mind-Set
It is important to adopt a new mind-set when trying to change your habits. It is proven that if it takes 21 days to adopt a new habit, then it takes 21 days to break one. This way you can look at every day as a step towards success, with an achievable end goal.
If you find it difficult to act with self-discipline, even for a short amount of time, then we suggest using our Hibbertia Essence which can increase and enhance your self-discipline. If you’re feeling the need to make changes in terms of being healthier through diet and exercise, but often need a little extra kick-start to get out of your comfort zone and old habits then try Hibbertia Flower Essence.
Surround yourself with Inspiration
When trying to avoid bad habits, it is important to surround yourself with a healthy environment that makes it easier to avoid those triggers. We suggest making friendships and relationships with people who have a lifestyle that you aspire to achieve.
This will mean that you surround yourself with positive influences and don’t let yourself be dragged back into bad habits. If you are looking for a life direction without bad habits, then try our Silver Princess. This Essence brings about an awareness of one's life direction.
Though it may not always reveal to a person their full life plan, it will aid people who are at crossroads, helping to show them what their next step is. It helps give them an understanding of that direction. This Essence is also indicated when one has reached an important goal and yet is left feeling very flat, thinking 'is this all there is?' In this case, it gives one a glimpse or a sense of what is next and allows one to enjoy the journey whilst striving for the goal.
Breaking Habits with Essences
As previously mentioned, anything you do for 21 days becomes a habit. Conversely, if you want to break an old habit, if you don’t do it for 21 days then that habit is broken.
However, if you find your attitude and behaviours detrimental to success, then we have a combination of essences to help you take power over your life and goals. Use Bottlebrush in combination with Monga Waratah to enable you to strengthen your willpower and break your dependency behaviour, and Boronia Essence alongside these essences to resolve obsessions and habitual behaviour.
Take these three Essences during the 21 days you’re consciously breaking your habits and repeat for a further three weeks if you feel you need to clear any residual cravings.
We also suggest you consider trying Transition Essence from time to time to cope with unexpected change. This combination contains Bottlebrush, which will help you cope with change that is occurring now, and Bauhinia to prepare you for change that is yet to occur.
We want to reassure you not to feel disheartened if you can’t kick habits within a short period. Everyone adapts differently to change, so take your time and go easy on yourself as you transform your health.
With all our respect and love,
The ABFE Team