What Are Flower Essences?
Flowers have been used by Australian Aborigines for thousands of years to heal emotional and physical traumas. Not only did Australia adopt herbalist remedies, they were also used across Egyptian, Indian, Asian, European, and South American culture. The original earliest recorded use was by Abbess Hildegard von Bingen in the 12th Century.
Our founder, Ian White, is a 5th generation herbalist who grew up blending remedies from the powerful Australian Plants with his grandmother, went on to become a pioneer working with and researching the rare remedial qualities of Australian native plants. Spending many years travelling Australia researching and developing the 69 Australian Bush Flower Essences.
What Are Flower Essences Used For?
Flowers Essences are used to treat imbalances at a higher level, creating an emotional and spiritual balance and wellbeing in the whole person. The Bush Remedies not only help to give clarity to one's life but also the courage, strength and commitment to follow and pursue one's goals and dreams. They help to develop a higher level of intuition, self esteem, spirituality, creativity and fun. The more the Essences are used, the more one is likely to experience greater awareness and happiness in one's life.
How To Choose The Right Flower Essence For Me?
There are many ways that you can choose the best essence for you. To narrow down the best essences for you right now, ask yourself the following questions – what do I most want in my life? or what is the major issue that I am working through at the moment? Then simply choose the appropriate Bush Essences. Alternatively, you could look through the 'Find Yourself in Nature' and choose those which most appeal to you (limiting them to no more than 5) and also include any flower that you have an aversion to. By using this technique, you will be able to address your most important issues.
Can I Take Multiple Essences At A Time?
It is much more effective to focus on single issues with one essence at a time. This way you can pinpoint the effectiveness and then address the main focus. Some essences can be used as one-offs to treat controlled experiences, such as Emergency Essence, layered with a long term essence during times of trauma. However, you can remain to use essences alongside mists and creams.
Want to Learn More
If you want to dive deeper into Bush Essences, and be confident in using them and selecting Bush Flower Remedies for your friends and family or clients, we have an in depth 60 hours Correspondence Course with support from our Australian Tutor, or you can learn online starting with our Level 1 | Introductory Workshop (ausflowers.com.au)
Start your journey to a better version of yourself with Australian Bush Flower Essences.
Much Love, Light and Respect - ABFE